martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

Más perros

Otra tanda de perros. (Pronto todo tendrá un sentido)

5 comentarios:

BorderWars dijo...

You have a lovely technique. Do you take commissions? Your style is wonderful.

Coki dijo...

thanks chirstopher. what do you meant with 'do you take commissions?' ? (my english isn't good)

Anxo Varela dijo...

I don't teño moita idea, pero creio que este rapás quere faser neghosio contigho! Moi buonderfols, xa che dixen bifor o outro day!

BorderWars dijo...

A "commission" is money you earn for doing a work of art for someone.

How much would you charge to make a picture in your style, based off of a photograph of a (my) dog?

Coki dijo...

ah! I`ll do it for free. Send me a photograph to (no more than 2Mb) and I'll do the picture.